As many of you remember, last November we partnered with Africa Equip Ministries in Kwangwari Estate, Nairobi, Kenya. We have just returned from Nairobi where our conference has grown from 70 to 217 widows. Dr. David Kitonga selected a board of directors to oversee this ministry. Twenty-two pastors were also in attendance. Last Saturday proved to be an exciting day for each of these women. Many came to Christ. The theme of this year's conference was 'Be Ready for God's Provision'. A wonderful lunch of rice, vegetables, and meat was provided, and everyone cheered when they heard that sodas were being served. At the close of the program, Linda prayed for each widow individually and gifted them with oil and flour. A testimony was shared by one of the widows who had attended last year's conference. She told the audience that her landlord was ready to padlock her home. After receiving a token from Widow's Might, she was able to pay her debt. She has not had any difficulty with her house payment since prayers were offered up on her behalf by Linda.
Dr. Kitonga has asked Widow's Might to help many of these ladies to begin a small entrepreneurship. He has informed us that the cost for each business "start up" will be $150.00. I would love to see us be able to do this. Please pray that God would allow us the privilege of investing in many of their lives during 2009.
Many people have been praying the prayer of Jabez for Widow's Might. Well, friends, it's working! In addition to Dr. Kitonga's ministry partnering with us, two other pastors, the first Patrick Ominde from Dandora4, hosted 60 widows. Sister Beatrice, a widow, worked very hard to organize this meeting in her own kiosk where she is a tailor and teaches sewing to other widows. The women were thrilled with Wally and Linda's Bible teaching. The Lord was working so powerfully as Linda spoke in the kiosk, a passerby was attracted and observed from a distance for a few minutes. She then walked up to Pastor Patrick and said, 'What must I do to be saved?'. That day was her day of salvation! At the same event, Wally approached a young man who was standing outside the kiosk. After several minutes of discussion, the young man said he was ready to accept Christ as his savior and Wally prayed with him. Again a lovely lunch was served and groceries were distributed.
Our last conference commenced in Erastus Omukhango's church in Korogocho, Nairobi, Kenya. We learned during our time of individual prayer that some of these women are HIV positive. Please pray for them. One of the ladies has six children and is very weak and poor. These women were overwhelmed when they received a kiss from Linda on each cheek. They were so happy and blessed to go home with an armload of flour, rice, oil, sugar and tea.
As most of you know, we invite each of the ladies to join Prayer Stations for the Nations to pray for the widows of the world. The ladies are given laminated prayer cards with scriptural prayers to use on a daily basis. When we ask them if their prayers are being answered, many raise their hands and testify because of the widows in the various nations who are praying for them. Our prayer front is growing. Widows from Siberia, Belarus, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Mali, Kenya, Nigeria and Ghana are partnering to be watch women on the walls for their sisters who suffer much in widowhood. Our hope is that God is well pleased with this effort and that we will remain in the center of His perfect will. Thank you to all who are supporting this ministry with Christ's love.