Two years and five months had passed since Linda had been able to go to Nigeria and minister to God's beloved widows. But her prayers were answered as financial gifts from friends allowed her and her husband to return to Nigeria.
Saturday morning the widows began to arrive from around the city and from the villages outside of Onitsha. By 10am there were about 500 in attendance. Just prior to the noon hour, the crowd of widows had grown to almost 700. Lunch, a soft drink, a bottle of cooking oil and a small packet filled with items of love and appreciation along with a prayer card were given to each widow. Linda spoke to them about the power of God and the power of prayer using the story of Elisha and the widow whose oil bottles continued to miraculously produce enough oil for all of her needs. She prayed with each lady and blessed them in Jesus' name while given them each a kiss from Jesus. Between eighty and one hundred women invited Christ to be their Savior at this conference. Praise God for all the angels who were singing!