Monday, April 23, 2007

Testimony from Urbana Delegate

Linda is standing in the Widow's Might Ministry/START Ministries booth at the Urbana 2006 Missions Conference. The following is a testimony from a young lady who spoke with Linda at Urbana.
"Five years ago, as I headed toward my first mission trip as a high school graduate, God impressed James 1:27 on my heart. Little did I know that this same verse would stare back at me, literally, as I began to contemplate what to do after my university graduation.

I remember very clearly God's instruction for me to minister to the widows and orphans-that He did not merely want me to reach out and care for the poor or the needy, but specifically, these two groups of people-women and children who are left alone and often forgotten. I did not know the how of reaching out to them then, but during my time here at Urbana 2006, I began to ask God to specifically show me the steps to take. 'Show me what to do Lord. Show me how to follow your call of five years ago because I really don't know where to begin...'. Those thoughts raced through my mind as I stared at the overwhelming maze of mission organization booths at Urbana.

Lo, and behold, the first aisle I walked down, the Widow's Might Ministry banner with James 1:27 loomed in front of me-my answer to prayer! God was faithful; I knew I had to talk to the representative at START!

In sharing with Linda how God placed a burden on my heart, and listening to her share the vision for Widow's Might Ministries, I knew that God had indeed answered my prayer for how. Not only is the ministry focused on the people I have a heart for, the anticipated establishment of training and medical programs compliments with my interest in healthcare and public speaking.

Just this morning, I had broken down and surrendered my life to answer the Lord's call-whatever, wherever, and whenever. The response songs sung, had the exact words of 'take my hands, take my life'. It is no coincidence that as Linda prayed for me, she lifted up my hands and my life to the Lord, for Him to use and He chooses. While I still don't know for sure about the next few months and where I will end up during my summer break, he has begun to show me how to answer His call and I am excited to be used by Him in His mighty plan. I know God will lead and provide an opportunity to partner with Widow's Might Ministries to reach and touch our widows and orphans with God's love."

-Lydia, Toronto, Ontario

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