Friday, November 2, 2007

The Good and the Bad

Yesterday was as good as it was bad.
Let's start with the good. At a breakfast meeting with some pastors, we learned that you must have a visa in order to enter Kenya now. Before we left Detroit, my husband said, "I think we should take our passports to Denver." And so we did! Praise the Lord, we were able to apply for the visas yesterday without missing a beat. God even provided a wonderful couple to help us with their private laptop and printer.

Praise #2-We found that our filming was not going to succeed unless we had more equipment. After calling a few places, God provided a Christian man who knew everything we needed for under $100. The owner of the business also offered to meet us on Sunday before we fly out to retrieve the equipment. Filming has been going very well, since we now have everything in place.

Now the bad, but there's a good ending. Around lunch time yesterday, I felt as though talons had taken a hold of my throat on either side of the adam's apple. The pain was excruciating and it was very difficult for me to communicate. I began to rebuke the enemy and praise the Lord. I really suffered with the pain and still feel bruised, but speaking is not difficult and I am praising God for His protection.

Please pray for us as we continue to film the documentary for Widow's Might Ministry and Prayer Stations for the Nations.

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